About Me

“People would tell me that attachment to desire creates suffering. Yet, I couldn't let go of my desires, so I searched for a way to fulfill them”.
I'm Hakima Tantrika
I remember the early stages of my quest for satisfaction. I didn’t really know why but I was feeling dead and bored inside. Yet, I had everything I wanted.
I was location independent, sipping lemonades on the most beautiful beaches of Mexico. My job was self-maintaining, making money in my sleep, so I didn’t have to work much daily.
This is the life I wanted for myself, but it wasn’t enough.
- I felt isolated and disconnected from society and people. I had this deep dawning sense that I didn’t belong, that I was insignificant.
- I felt lethargic and apathetic.
- I was struggling with an accumulation of shallow relationships and my dating life was complicated (to say…my fiancé did not show up at our wedding!!!)
- I I had old traumas keeping me trapped in a victimhood mentality, questioning why everything that was happening to me when others seemed to have it easier.
- I was trying to fill my inner void by buying things like new trips, trendy restaurant visits, extra meditation or training programs, and even plant medicine ceremonies and therapy.
- I searched for answers but couldn’t find anything among so-called spiritual leaders. Their approach was too woo-woo for me and their narcissism was a turn-off.
- I thought I had failed my life and the freedom I had was just an illusion.

And then, the magic of Tantra happened...
Are you ready to dive deep into the ancient esoteric teachings of Tantra and free yourself from everything that it is holding you from living to your full potential?
Quantum Tantra is a mystical ancient science for exploring the mind, expanding body consciousness and developing the range of your perceptions.
You will dive deep into the foundations of classical Tantra and learn how to use this science of personality to:

I packed everything and flew to India to be initiated in the authentic way by a respected master.
What I saw left me speechless, but what I experienced was even more indescribable.
I expanded my mind and saw a whole different world. Then later, through the application of this meta-psychology and mental science in my daily life.
- I turned shallow relationships into deep connections and kept attracting meaningful friendships.
- I handled conflicts with such an ease that people would be impressed and learn from me.
- I had more and more deep, meaningful conversations like I desired and my inner light shined bigger!
- I grew from being invisible to being seen and truly appreciated for who I really am.
- I knew how to tap into my inner-source of energy and always be energetic.
- I went from being isolated to forming deep and strong connections with a group of people sharing similar values.
- Life became so much more fun and easier and I was able to live the REAL authentic life I really wanted, full of meaningful connections and purpose.
I know where you're coming from
Are you curious about my confidence in using ancient Tantric teachings to improve your life in all aspects and wonder how such a simple woman can make such big promises?
I know where you’re coming from. I would have benefited from doubting some Tantra teachers at that time. I was investing in myself too.
I tended to lean towards the path of complexity and endless searching rather than the straightforward route because struggling was more familiar, and what’s familiar was comfortable.
I went for the magnetic and charismatic personas, only to realize that they were making up for their lack of knowledge and wisdom, and they were full of themselves.
Perhaps I wasn’t ready back then, and my ego was easily impressionable, seeking external signs of their wisdom rather than understanding that actions speak louder than words.

Until I went to India and learned from the masters…

They dress simple.

They look simple.

They act simple.

They could be your neighbor, and you would not realize the immense powers and wisdom they have.
That’s the purpose.. To avoid misuse and abuse, the secrets of classical Tantra and the Tantrikas need to remain hidden.
This is a calling; you either feel it or you don't
You might prefer the journey of seeking complexity too or wanting to work with someone more charismatic, or who’s selling you some courses on sex and intimacy and call it “tantra” and that’s okay.
But let me tell you, that is not Tantra.
It’s cultural appropriation for financial gains.
Do you value authenticity, yes or no?
My program is addressed to spiritual seekers driven by authenticity and ancient wisdom. For those who have a strong will to improve their life and relationships, find sustainable joy and energy, move beyond limitations and manifest their wildest desires through ancient wisdom.

Learn about the different ways we can work together

I'm Hakima
The driving force behind Quantum Tantra.
My path led me to learn from esteemed Western masters like Daniel Odier, Christopher Wallis, André Van Lysbeth and Robert Svoboda among others.
Eventually, I received traditional initiation into classical Tantra in India from my respected Indian teacher, who has been following the tantra passed down to him from generation to generation.
This significant commitment to transformation revealed why adapting Tantra’s tools to the West has been crucial and also how Tantra has been distorted and abused in the West.
Tantra is a process that holds significant powers, which can’t fall into everybody’s hands. This is why I created Quantum Tantra for truth seekers driven by authenticity, human evolution and global healing.
My mission is to support you to maximize this lifetime and gain a profound understanding of the human experience with classical powerful Tantric tools that are either wrongly used or unheard of.
I’m thrilled about the potential for your transformation with QUANTUM TANTRA and looking forward to working together.